The Phenomenal Handclap Band: Cute guys and gals from NYC with cool psychadelic love rock. Everyone sings so everyone wins, especially with two hottie-hot femmes at the front. Where do bands get girls who look like this (see also: Au Revoire Simone, the Plasticines, School of Seven Bells)? “Testimony” is great.
The xx: Four punky lookin’ Brits lay out subtly sexy but obviously cool songs like “Crystallised” and "Shelter.”
Cold Cave: Dark-wavey, 80’s industrial sound from Philly’s Wesley Eisold. Think Joy Division. Think black. Think good.
Air France: This summer's best music comes from two Swedish guys who make perfect pop. They’re the kind of songs that make you so happy you want to cry. See for yourself with “Collapsing at Your Doorstep” and “GBC Belongs to Us.”
Casiokids: The title of their blog (“Happyjokes”) says it all. These Norwegian popsters make catchy electro tunes with Norwegian names.
Yo Jam masta,
What is the best way for a hugely less savvy music-listener to acquire said music? I want to be so happy that I could cry...
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