Let me be frank: I’m coming from a place where '80s music is the rule. David Byrne, Sting, Bernard Summer—these are my gods. The cheese, the catch, the quirk? I love it. So it goes without saying that I dig how indie music is sounding a lot like '80s pop these days. Shake-it-hard staples like LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip, and Passion Pit have come crashing through the sound barrier, and the verdict is in: it’s cool to dance again.
Keeping the kids dancing like its 1982: NYC’s Penguin Prison. Holy hot pop this is good. Worth checking out are songs by Penguin Prison, remixes of Penguin Prison, and remixes by Penguin Prison. You can't go wrong. Unless you stand still.
Penguin Prison- A Funny Thing
Penguin Prison- A Funny Thing