Thecocknbullkid- AKA Anita Blay of Britain. Sassy as hell. Check out "I'm Not Sorry" or "Clean Apart."
PNAU- Australian duo that makes the best feelgood dance jams. One of the guys is also in Empire of the Sun, which is just as awesome.
Miike Snow- Three Swedish guys, including the two who make up songwriting/production team Bloodshy & Avant (responsible for Britney's "Toxic." Just sayin'.) Great electropop. The remixes of "Burial" are brilliant.
The Hundred in the Hands- I seriously can't get enough of these people. Guy and gal from Brooklyn with apparently only two songs (or two versions of one song): "Dressed in Dresden" and "Undressed in Dresden." One's rocky, one's sexy-- both are addicting.
VEGA- Synthy 80's/future pop from Austin, TX. Listen to "All Too Vivid" or "No Reasons."
Deastro- 22 year old Detroitian who makes what RS calls "otherworldly space-pop." Yes please. "Spritle" is a fave, and there are great remixes to "Vermillion Plaza" floating around.
El Michels Affair- How could you not love ten white guys doing an entire album of Wu-Tang remakes?
Atlas Sound- Solo project of Bradford James Cox of Deerhunter. Another recent worthwhile solo project is Julian Plenti, aka Paul Banks of Interpol.
Class Actress- Dreamy new wave synth pop by way of Brooklyn. "Careful What You Say" and "Broken Adolescent Heart" are so good.
Norse Horse- Started in Korea, now in California. Innovative sounds with a cool name.
Warpaint- Wait, this isn't Cat Power? Sounds exactly the same. Works for me. "Billie Holiday" is lovely.
Les Sins- A "side-project" from a guy in South Carolina, who has another "side-project," Toro Y Moi, that is also fab.
1 comment:
Oh hey, so I dont really remember HOW I found this blog, but it's great.
But I'd just like to maybe suggest a band to you! Rural Alberta Advantage is a great band from here in Canada. Awesome vocals. Check out Frank AB, Deathbridge in Lethbridge, and Edmonton.
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